Thursday, November 24, 2005

P(X=x) = exp(lambda)???

Sometimes i fail to understand life.
and people.
Like the QM prof.
When he gave us a problem today, "Assume a hen hatches eggs according to a poisson distribution...."
Does IT even know?
And why should i bother aT ALL??
wat good is this to the world??

Friday, November 18, 2005

Following my fortunes...

My Orkut fortunes for the last 6 days have been:

=You will have a comfortable old age.
=You will be recognized and honored as a community leader.
=You are soon going to change your present line of work. (even he knows!)
=Good news will be brought to you by mail.
=A pleasant surprise is in store for you. (this definitely came true..)
=You will never need to worry about a steady income (wat exactly does he mean?)

All that is now on the record.
I do hope Orkut gets its predictions right now and then... :)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Vaan medu pallangal oru iru mani neram....

Wrote one of the worst exams of my life. Thought it was 3 hours. was 2 and a half hours. screwed. Came back to my room... listenin to Kaatrile parandhu... There still is hope...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

In times of no time...

Profit Maximization Sucks.
Break Even Rocks!!
(I am getting painfully better at getting to the point...)